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Menuju Mulut Gua Pawon
Sanghyang Tikoro

This tour starts in the morning by first visiting the Sanghyang Tikoro. It is a hole drilled by Citarum flow through a stone hill. The role of this area is crucial to the history of Bandung geographical development. Drive back to Pawon Cave. It is a beautiful natural cave located at the side of the karst hill along Padalarang area. Archeologist found evidence of ancient Sundanese people living in this cave. Lunch shall be served nearby at local hut. Continue climb the karst hill to get to the summit of Puncak Bukit Pawon and enjoy the magnificent view of the stone garden. Drive back home to end the Bandung Purba Tour

Minimum 10 orang = Rp. 300.000,- per orang

Entrance fee

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